Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 things about me. (as seen on facebook)

I tried to be as deep and as honest as possible. It was hard.
25 is alot.

1. I'm a very joyful person. Some people think that means I'm always happy. But I have crappy days just like any other person. And I have times when I am unhappy. But I keep the most of my time finding the best in any situation.
I just don't let the crappy days affect how I'm going to feel when a good day gets thrown my way.

2. I have very high self-esteem, and I don't care about what other people think about me, for the most part.

However, a whole lot of things that a normal, non-self-confident person wouldn't feel insecure about, I feel insecure about. And I HATE it.

Because people all see me as this kid who just doesn't care what other people think, and expect me to be able to do all the crap I feel stupid doing.

3. I decided at the beginning of this that I was going to post my deepest facts, and be as thorough as possible... But I'm already wondering if I really want to...

4. Most of what I say come out in inexplicable noises.

5. I'm an extrovert. But I'm also pretty sensitive too. It's a weird combo, I know. But I'm extremely happy with my personality combination.

6. I think dancing is incredibly stupid. (with the exception of slow-dancing or breakdancing. And others I'm sure, but clubbing is soooo incredibly stupid to me)

7. I'm totally fine with talking and doing stuff in front of large groups, as long as It isn't planned.

I don't really know how to explain it, but it's easier to be spontaneously silly.
I think it's because when it's planned, people are expecting something from me, and my biggest insecurity, i think, is not being able to deliver what people expect of me. But when it's spontaneous, they aren't expecting anything. I can just do it and surprise them. And they'll think it's hilarious, or they'll roll their eyes. But at least I didn't let down any expectations.
^My stage fright doesn't really help with that either.

8. I LOVE to read. For some reason that's wierd to people, but If I have a good book, I'll spend hours wandering around my house with my head in the pages.
I enjoy suspenseful books.
I love reading a book late at night, alone in my room, and having to take a second to stop. Pull the book away. And take a break for my pulse to slow.
Murder mysteries are awesome because usually they have that suspense.
Throw in a twist at the end, and I'll friggin' explode.
Thr3e, by Ted Dekker, is the best book in the world.

9. I'm just now realizing how big of a number 25 can be...

10. My grandpa Wayne died 2 years and one day ago, and in the 5 or so years he was my grandpa, he taught me EXACTLY what I wanna be to my grandchildren some day.
I loved him so much. And I didn't realize how much until he passed.

This might sound ridiculous but I'm gonna make myself type it:

11. Sometimes I feel guilty about how quickly my grieving ended. I know it's dumb, but It's hard to convince myself that I truly loved him that much, and still got over his death so quickly.
Part of it is because I know I'll see him again someday... But... I dunno. It's really hard to explain.
It's been long enough that I can't recall the way his voice sounded... And that makes me sad. He made such a big impression on my life, and I want to remember everything about him. The fact that I can't remember his voice means that the memory is slowly slipping. I know I'll always remember him, but how much of him?

12. I love each and every person I've ever talked to. It's another awesome part of my personality. There is no one I hate... And there are few I dislike. But I try to show love to everyone I meet.

13. My family means so much to me, and I don't know how other teenagers make it without memories like the ones I have.

14. My best friends, and pretty much the rest of my friends too :P fit into my "family" category. They mean just as much, and I know I can count on them to be there when I need them.

15. I'm a hugger, and I'm not afraid to tell another guy that I love him.

16. I believe in God. My life is built around the basic christian faith. I don't know a WHOLE lot about the bible, but what I do know, I believe very strongly in.

17. It's hard to make me cry...
In the past 7 -8 months, I've cried a total of 3 or 4 times (not counting laughing until I cry).
I haven't cried because of PHYSICAL pain for over 3 years.
I've never cried because of a book, movie, or song.
Apparently my family thinks I cried at the end of pay-it-forward, but I would swear on my life that I didn't. That's just not something I can deny without people automatically assuming that I'm lying... :\
I wish so badly that I could cry during movies. I get to the point where I can feel the emotion, and I might even get a little choked up, but I've never actually cried.

18. I love singing, and I've been told on a few occasions that I have a good voice. I won't sing for you if you ask, because again... You're expecting something of me. But if a song comes on that I like, I won't be able to keep myself from singing to it.

19. For most of my life I've been known as the single, fun-loving, doesn't-want-to-be-tied-down-by-a-relationship kind of guy. (Some people even had suspicions that I might be gay. lmao. XD)
But in the last 6 months, I've learned what it feels like to be truly connected to someone. The relationship I'm in now doesn't tie me down in ANY way. And my girlfriend is my best friend FIRST. (I have two others, don't worry Justin ;D) If our relationship were to end right now, I can be 100% positive that we would stay friends.
I have someone that means the world to me, and I honestly don't think I could find anyone better for me.

20. The best week of my life was in Mississippi, July of August 2008.
So many things happened that week that I will never forget.
My life changed so much, and my walk with God was FINALLY in a straight path.
My best friend got saved.
And I met people who have become my new best friends.
And I came home with a really hot new girlfriend ;D

I've never wished for anything as much as I wish I could go back and relive that week.

21. My other two best friends are Taylor and Justin. (I didn't forget about ya :D)
They're the best friends I could possibly ask for, and they're extremely unique. I don't know what I'd do without one or the other. The three of us are like peas in a pickle.

22. I'm one of the very few christian's who aren't afraid to say things like "BOOBS." ;D

23. I am extremely passionate about my hobbies.
You've never seen me as excited as I am when I land a trick I've been working on for days/weeks/months.
And you've never seen me more more motivated than I am when I get an amazing idea for a script to write.

24. Making people laugh is the best thing ever. The way it feels to put a smile on someone's face is beyond anything I could possibly imagine. Especially if that person really needs it.

25. I'm Julian Williams. I'm a loving, sensitive, self-confident, self-conscious, funny, joyful, 17 year old boy who's in love with an amazing girl and who couldn't live without his friends and family. And someday... You're going to see my movies on your TV screen.

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